Critical Infrastructure
Is Our Priority

Our highest priority is the resilience and durability of our critical industrial infrastructure: our energy sources, our manufacturing sector, and our defense industrial base.

Our Values

We are not neutral

Fortifying our industrial systems is more than a business imperative. More than ever, it is a political necessity, especially as the enemies of the free world increase their cyber efforts to weaken our critical infrastructure. Fortress is a global company, partnering with organizations in the US, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East—but we will not work with adversarial countries and companies.

Taking the long road

We know that transforming industrial Disaster Recovery won’t happen overnight and requires both patience and persistence. We are here for the long haul. We do not cut corners. That means that we do not and will not rush solutions to market or hastily make changes to existing infrastructure. “Move fast and break things” may work for Facebook, but not for Fortress.

Honesty and transparency above all

Trust is everything—especially when it comes to introducing new technologies into high-criticality industrial systems. Above all else, we strive to be honest and transparent with our partners. If there is something that our platform cannot do (or cannot do well), we say so. We know that goodwill takes time to build, but can be destroyed instantaneously.


The People Behind Fortress Labs

Ben Simon
Leor Fishman

Fortify Your
Critical Infrastructure

Discover how Fortress provides cyber-resilience for your business and ensures uninterrupted operational continuity for your industrial operations.